WATER GIVES LIFE Ephesian 5:26 says Jesus cleanses and sanctifies us by the the washing of water with his WORD. Just as God's creation need water to flourish so does the Body of Christ need the Holy Spirit to led, guide and refresh......May the Holy Spirit wash over you this day.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Plowing the Way
This week the Holy Spirit laid on my heart the phrase “Plowing the Field”.
What was quicken to my heart was that throughout Paul's journey the church was back in Antioch praying and fasting; sending prayers before them, plowing the way?
I began to ponder in my heart who is plowing the way for us.
Before my Grandmother went home to be with the Lord, she plowed the way for her family daily by praying continuously; asking God's protection. She planted so many seeds of prayer that they are still in affect today.
I equate “plowing the field” to preparedness.
This message is about preparedness. There are two types of preparedness.
1. Preparedness of the heart to receive the message (Mark 4:13-20)
2. Preparedness for the messengers; those who are commissioned to preach the gospel. (Mark 16:15}
We are going to focus on the second type of preparedness.
When I speak of preparedness I am not talking about ensuring that there is food, clothes or money in your pockets; although, that is a part of preparedness but not the major part.
Preparedness refers to the state of being prepared for specific or unpredictable events or situations. Preparedness is an important quality when you trying to avoid and/or mitigate negative outcomes.
Note that I said mitigate negative outcomes. I did not say mitigate negative situation.
Often we think that in our attempt to be prepared if we pray, fast and spend time with God that we will not have to go through the fire. But sometimes we have to go through the fire to burn off the chains that bind us in this life; whether it be our friends, family or our carnel ways.
The Psalmist said in Psalms 66:10 – For thou, O God, hast proved us: thou has tried us, as silver is tried. (Mark 14:32-41)
The question I am asking today is who is plowing the way?
Who is sitting forth the plow, tilling the soil, breaking the furrow, fertilizing and weeding the soil, purging it and making it clean?
God did not give us the Gospel just to save us. He did not give us the Gospel so that we could horde it up, keep it to ourselves and shout about the blessing we have.
Every farmer knows that it is only as he plows the field and tends the growing crop, keeping out the thorns and weeds, that the tender plants will have a chance to grow.
Who is plowing the way for the lost?
Who is plowing the way for the sick?
Who is plowing the way for the afflicted?
God has a purpose and plan for this world. He has elected to use us; human instruments.
However, the human instrument must also elect to be used;
In Isaiah 6:1-8 God asked who I will send.
Here am I, send me.
This is a true story about a church in Somerville, New Jersey. John Vredenburg was the preacher there for many years. He felt his ministry was a failure, and so did others, although he faithfully preached the Gospel. He died discouraged. A little while after his death, there was a great spiritual awakening in that town. One Sunday, two hundred came forward to the altar to accept Jesus as their Savior. What was notable was that nearly all of those people dated their own birth in Christ from the ministry of John Vredenburgh, the man who thought his ministry a failure. Nothing that we do in God's name and spirit is too small to be used in his kingdom.
Everyone can be part of helping the kingdom to grow. From the least to the greatest, we can all make a conscious effort to do what we can to plow the way for the kingdom of God.
I Corinthians 12:12 –
For as the body is one and has many.
1. To break and turn up earth with a plow.
2. To move or progress with driving force: The attackers formed a wedge and plowed through the enemy line.
3. To proceed laboriously
Let proceed laboriously to plow the way for God's Kingdom
Friday, May 22, 2009
Walking in Victory (Victory vs.Victim)
Walking in victory does not mean that there will always be enough money in the bank; nor, does it mean death will not come. It does not mean that your children will always make good choices or you won't have trails on the job or in your marriage.
(John 16:33) Peter said, "Don't consider it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing has happened unto you"
Yet, it does mean no matter what circumstance or situation you are facing today; that you know in your heart ( you heard the message and it took root in your heart) and understand that Jesus Christ is on the throne and he has empowered you through his death to be the victory and not the victim.
Let's look at Colossians 2:13-15
When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. and having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.
Let's talk about the word "Victory"; according to Webster's Dictionary
A little history... Noah Webster was a devout Christian. His 1828 American Dictionary contained the greatest number of Biblical definitions given in any reference volume. In 1833 Webster released his own edition of the Bible called the Common Version not to be confused with the Common Bible. Modern critics were surprised by just how little Webster varied from the King James Version of the Bible.
Victory is.....
1. The overcoming of an enemy or antagonist (According to Colossians 2:13-15; Jesus took care of the enemy on the cross); referring to "having disarmed the powers and authorities"
In the Greek ..... overcome - katakyrieuō (kä-tä-kü-rē-yü'-ō (Key)) exercise dominion over
I John 5:4 says that for everyone born of God overcometh the world: This is the victory that overcometh the world, [even] our faith.
In World War II, when the Allied troops landed on Normandy establishing a beachhead there and then moving into Europe this was the decisive battle/event and it won the war in Europe for the Allied Command. There were still battles to be fought, but the outcome of the war was certain; once the allies landed on French soil and started moving inland step by step toward Germany.
Although, there are still battles we have to fight as Christian; we know that the outcome of this war is certain.
2. Achievement of mastery or success in a struggle or endeavor against odds or difficulties.
Mastery: The knowledge that makes one a master of a situation......
Let's change our focus for a minute and look at the word "Victim"
1. One that is acted on and usually adversely affected by a force or agent a.(1) one that is injured, destroyed or sacrificed under any of various conditions(2): one that is subjected to oppression, hardship, or mistreatment b: one that is tricked or duped
Satan uses his many devises to deceive and dupe us. Because of his powers of deception we take the very power that Jesus took from Satan on Cavalry Cross and we give it back to him.
Often I look at the series "Law and Order - Special Victims Unit"
There was an episode where a young girls' father had kidnapped her and locked her in a room. Over time he began to let her roam around the house; however, she still had the mindset of being locked in that room. Because of her mindset she did not utilize the opportunities before her to break away from him and be set free. That is why it is so important for us to renew our minds by the washing of the word.
As men and women of God we are being DUPED; we are living defeated lives because we have been deceived by the enemy. We have been set free and we are living as if we are still in bondage. Stand up and strip off that victim mentality like Blind Bartimaeus in Luke 18:35-43 and put on your robe of victory.
Then began to walk in victory.
There are three actions we must take if we are to live a life of victory.
- Stand firm in your faith - in your belief in a never failing God
Rom 3:4
God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged - Let nothing move you - tough times nor personal tragedy
1Cor 15:58
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. - Give yourself to the work of the Lord - who are you living for YOURSELF or GOD and does it show in your actions, purpose and life.Psa 51:10
Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Joseph, was a man who walked in "Victory".
It is interesting how that God can sum up a person's life with just a few words: "The LORD was with Joseph". That's the story of his life.
It remind me of the comment from "fiddler on the roof"where the fellow says: "Lord, I know we're the chosen people but would you mind choosing somebody else for a while", because of all of the things that are happening. The Lord was with Joseph but it is interesting that the Lord being with him did not spare him the hatred of his brothers, the jealousy. Did not spare him being sold by his brothers. It did not spare him from slavery. It did not spare him from false accusations. It did not spare him from temptation. It did not spare him from false imprisonment.
How do I know Joseph walked in "Victory"?
It is what he said to his brothers in Genesis 50: 19-20.
19. Joseph said to them, "Do not be afraid, for [am] I in the place of God? 20.But as for you, you meant evil against me; [but] God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as [it is] this day, to save many people alive.
Are you in the place of God? Do you have peace in your situation? Only a person walking in victory can put aside the hurts and disappointment of this life to move forward so they can fulfill the purpose to which God has called them.
I challenge you today.......
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Fill My Cup
This day was like any other day....peoples lives were changing. There was a sense of restlessness and uncertainty in the air.
Our conversation was lite; it was a surface converstion. However, somewhere along the way the spirit began to move.
Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty.....Zechariah 4:6
The conversation took a turn that would lead me back to one question.
Is the body of Christ doing what Christ commissioned us to do?
Let me preface my story:
My friend and I touched on one topic after another. Then, the comment that was shared that saddened my heart.
You know I went to church "Easter Sunday" but I felt so alone"; so you are a CME. I picked up the acronym from a Pastor of a church I was visiting a few weeks prior. He referenced it to individuals who only attend Sunday Morning Services on Christmas, Mother's Day and Easter.......so you are a CME.
Yes, but the only reason why is ( here is the show stopper) it seems during the service they ( the church leaders) put more emphasis on what teams are playing on Sunday. I want to attend a church like I use to attend when I was young. In my heart, I was saying me too.
She raised her hands expressively. When I leave a service I should be full. I should feel different about myself. My cup is not being filled.
Each of us cry daily "Fill My Cup" oh, Lord.
In John 21:15-17, Jesus asked Peter three times, "Do You Love Me?"...... Feed My Sheep.
Sunday after Sunday I sit and watch a body who is content with being pew warmers. A body who is being deceived by the enemy into believing the Church is meeting the needs of believers.
I must admit I chuckled when the Pastor said bring your CMEs friends to church on Easter. God showed me the question I should have been asking myself is, why? And as the body of Christ what can we do differently to meet the needs of Gods people.
No one should feel alone when they are surrounded by God's children.
I knew there was a sense of restlessness in the air and the restlessness was in me.
The only witness I know is through my life.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Acting Christ Like
Was it common courtesy or just acting Christ like; maybe, it was luck but I choose to believe it was God's favor?
I wasn't sitting in 1st class; however, I was receiving 1st class treatment. Why? Because while going through secruity at the Airport in New Jersey; my actions affected the lives of two other people. In every experience in life, we can see God's favor.
Philippians 2:4
Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Let me explain....
The security line was long and people were trying to make their connecting flights. It was like being stuck in traffic; you can see the exit but you can't reach it.
Yet, the approach to the conveyor belt was slow and steady and as quickly as I approached my turn; things began to unfold. An airport employee busily doing his job brought an elderly man in a wheelchair to the front of the line. The gentleman in front of me began muttering do you understand this; I shrugged my shoulders. It is evident by his reaction that we live in an "it's all about me" society. The airport employee was apologtic and proceeded to help the elderly gentleman through the security line.
Seconds later, three flight attendents were trying to pass through the line. "What somebody else", the gentleman stated. His feathers was ruffled. One of the flight attendents pressed on through while the other two stared in disbelief. He said NO, like a kid whose toy was being taken away. The only thing he didn't do was stomp his foot and cry. He voiced I am not moving and began to put his things on the convoyer belt.
I preceded to stepback and let them through. I heard one of them comment "Hope he is not on our flight". I thought why would anyone be rude to a flight attendent or anyone. My parents always told me not to cut off my nose to spite my face.
As things settled down, I struck up a conversation with the ladies and to our surprise we were on the same flight. In fact, one of them was named Marilyn ( what a co-incidence). As they walked away they told me we are going to take care of you.
They were definitely true to their word.
There I sat with a glass of wine ( let's not get stuck on the wine) enjoying my book; nibbling on cheese and crackers; later, served some warm cookies.
What did it cost me to put others interest before mine? Nothing
What I did gain? Some would call it luck but again I call it God's favor.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Are We Any Different?
They saw miracle after miracle and experienced God's blessing everyday. I have heard people say; if I lived during those times and experienced and saw what they experienced, I would never forget what God has done for me.
Day after day I see the blessings of God flowing in Christian lives; Individual's marriages restored, families delivered from financial bondage, children blessed, people healed etc.
Yet, just like the Isralite children when the pressure is off and when everything is going good. We start grumbling and complainting or worse; we forget we are called to build his Kingdom and not build our own personal kingdom.
I challenge you today to acknowledge God's mercies. Thank him, for his many blessing and work in his kingdom so others experience his goodness.
There is nothing like being in the presence of God; being blanketed with his love. His love binds us together like a fine woven quilt. Each patch representative of our testimonies as we press forward.
We can be different if we chose to be ....
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Can you be in your Promised Land?
The chapter opens with Paul being filled with sorrow for his people because they did not receive Christ and he reminds us of their heritage and the blessings that God bestowed upon them as his children. He goes on to define who are God's children. The summary of this lesson is we are God's children. Why? Because we are born of his spirit; his spiritual children.
My thought took me back to when God spoke to Abraham and told him to leave Haran and his family and his father's house and go to the land he had promised and God would make him a great nation. He was obedient in part. He did leave, however, he took his nephew Lot along with him. It took time and a separting; from Lot. Then God told Abraham to lift up his eyes and look to the north, south, east and west; all that he could see God would give to him.
This is the thought that made me go hummmm. How many of us are already in our promised land? God has spoke his instructions for our life; yet, we are not fully obedient. Walking in partial obedience is being disobedient. We are trying to live a resurrected life but we are taking along our worldly friends and the world's ways. Consequently, we can't move forward and step into the promises that God has dropped into our hearts. God is tell us to come out from among them and lift up our eyes to the north, south, east and west and all we can see he will give to us.
It is time for us to re-position ourselves and step into the promise of God; the living waters where the blessing flow.