
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Acting Christ Like

What do you think?

Was it common courtesy or just acting Christ like; maybe, it was luck but I choose to believe it was God's favor?

I wasn't sitting in 1st class; however, I was receiving 1st class treatment. Why? Because while going through secruity at the Airport in New Jersey; my actions affected the lives of two other people. In every experience in life, we can see God's favor.

Philippians 2:4
Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Let me explain....

The security line was long and people were trying to make their connecting flights. It was like being stuck in traffic; you can see the exit but you can't reach it.

Yet, the approach to the conveyor belt was slow and steady and as quickly as I approached my turn; things began to unfold. An airport employee busily doing his job brought an elderly man in a wheelchair to the front of the line. The gentleman in front of me began muttering do you understand this; I shrugged my shoulders. It is evident by his reaction that we live in an "it's all about me" society. The airport employee was apologtic and proceeded to help the elderly gentleman through the security line.

Seconds later, three flight attendents were trying to pass through the line. "What somebody else", the gentleman stated. His feathers was ruffled. One of the flight attendents pressed on through while the other two stared in disbelief. He said NO, like a kid whose toy was being taken away. The only thing he didn't do was stomp his foot and cry. He voiced I am not moving and began to put his things on the convoyer belt.

I preceded to stepback and let them through. I heard one of them comment "Hope he is not on our flight". I thought why would anyone be rude to a flight attendent or anyone. My parents always told me not to cut off my nose to spite my face.

As things settled down, I struck up a conversation with the ladies and to our surprise we were on the same flight. In fact, one of them was named Marilyn ( what a co-incidence). As they walked away they told me we are going to take care of you.

They were definitely true to their word.

There I sat with a glass of wine ( let's not get stuck on the wine) enjoying my book; nibbling on cheese and crackers; later, served some warm cookies.

What did it cost me to put others interest before mine? Nothing

What I did gain? Some would call it luck but again I call it God's favor.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Are We Any Different?

Are we any different from the Isralite children?

They saw miracle after miracle and experienced God's blessing everyday. I have heard people say; if I lived during those times and experienced and saw what they experienced, I would never forget what God has done for me.

Day after day I see the blessings of God flowing in Christian lives; Individual's marriages restored, families delivered from financial bondage, children blessed, people healed etc.

Yet, just like the Isralite children when the pressure is off and when everything is going good. We start grumbling and complainting or worse; we forget we are called to build his Kingdom and not build our own personal kingdom.

I challenge you today to acknowledge God's mercies. Thank him, for his many blessing and work in his kingdom so others experience his goodness.

There is nothing like being in the presence of God; being blanketed with his love. His love binds us together like a fine woven quilt. Each patch representative of our testimonies as we press forward.

We can be different if we chose to be ....