
Friday, September 16, 2011

The Ability to DISCERN

I have bowed my head many times and asked God to bless me with the "Spirit of Discernment."  Often, it has been at a turning point in my life; some like to call it a fork in the road.  Whatever you call it.  It is during a time where your choices will affect your life and/or the people around you.
What exactly is discernment?   It is the ability to look beyond your emotions and circumstances and make good sound decisions.  For example, Recently, I was selected as a juror.  As a juror, a person has no prior knowledge of the circumstances or the situation.  A juror has to make a sound judgment about someone's life based on the evidence and testimony.  As I researched the word “discernment” I believe the best definition I found “is the ability to recognize and understand truth and then know what to do with it.” 

Note: that it is a two-folded process……….

If I take the example above and apply the definition: I would have to recognize and understand what is true and then know what to do with my insight.  Based on our judicial system it would be to find a person innocent or guilty of all charges and possibly render a sentence.  It seems pretty cut and dry on paper; yet, we can’t eliminate the emotional aspect.This is where things can become fussy……understanding truth.  Truth to each of us can be different and it is all based on our moral belief system.  Truth can be clouded by our experiences and we can slowly reason truth away.  I believe that is why we go through the juror selection process; as painful as it can be.

My belief system as you all know is scripture based.  Nonetheless, just because I know what is right does not mean doing what is right will always come easy. Once more, that takes us back to our definition…what to do with this truth.   I can honestly say my heart wept for both of the individuals as I went through the juror process.  So why is discernment taken lodge in my heart; choices we make in life is not as cut and dry as the laws that are put in place to support the judicial system.

We make choices everyday that affect the lives of others.  Whether that business partner is the correct person? We can let personal relationships cloud our judgment. Whether that is the correct person to marry?  We can allow our emotions to push signs that we see to the back of our minds. Whether that job offer is for me?  The desire to succeed can cause use to make unwise choices regarding our family life.
Discernment is more than looking at a person's character.   It is discerning what is right and acting upon that choice. Let's not be a people where we get so caught up in the things that are going on around us; and forget to dig beneath the surface and discern what is truth.

We are living during a precarious time. We want to make sure-footed steps toward our destination.  Having the ability to have keen insight and judgment; allows us to make the determination that what we see on the outside is reflective of what is on the inside.
If we do not have the ability to discern and understand truth, then we will suffer losses in our lives that possibly could have been prevented; causing our hearts to weep.

Monday, September 5, 2011


In my mind’s eye, I can see me and my oldest sister lying in my grandmother’s iron bed.  It is Sunday night and it is time for prayer and everyone has gathered in her room.   She is on bended knee, hand pressed against her forehead; my grandfather kneeling at a chair across the room. She starts off…Most Heaven Everlasting, to Everlasting though art God.  It is again and again Lord that we come to you.  The sounds and groans my grandfather make is not understandable but undeniably he is helping to prepare the way for my grandmother’s uttered prayer. 
At the time I didn’t know, if we were ending the week or starting a week nor if there were troubles that only they knew about but I did know it was prayer time, a time to give reverence to God.
Sunday night prayer was something that happened every week until my grandfather went home to be with the Lord.  Afterwards, I would hear my grandmother in her room praying late at night, in church services and my favorite was New Year’s Eve.  Thanking God, for another year, another day, another hour, another minute, and yes, another second.  Why, because some of us didn’t make it.
How appropriate as I approach another Birthday that I remember that the next second is not promised. Throughout this journey we call life there will be trails and tribulation; there will be heart aches and heart break, the bible tells us in Matthew 5:45, that God sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
The past two weeks has given a new meaning to having a regulated mind.  Keeping your mind stayed on Jesus Christ impedes the opportunity for the enemy to slip into your life and cause havoc.  It allows the Fathe to order your footsteps so you can walk in his divine providence.
 I know that pieces of my granny prayers ride on the wings of a dove and they surface at the right time to encourage me and my family; to let us know that God is a heart fixer, a mind regulator and an anchor in times of trouble.  Her prayers are locked within my heart.
I am not sure that being her caretaker was for her benefit or was it more for mine, again, only time will tell.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sure-footed FAITH

 “When a person maintains their Faith; success is sure to follow” Marilyn Stewart                
Don’t laugh, but early Thursday morning these are the words I heard running through my mind.  It wasn’t a dream or a vision; it was a voice. It has been a while since I have received a word of wisdom dropped deep within my spirit.

Yes, I do believe God still speaks today.
If God can use a donkey to speak to his servant (Number 22:23-30), I believe he can use whatever medium he wants to speak to his children.
Deliberately, I began to repeat what I had heard so I would not forget and be able to record it in my journal.
The last word I recall being dropped in my spirit.  I was in a whirlpool of change; surrounded with negativity.  Negativity can be like a cancer to your soul.  It can suck the very breath out of you.  The words I heard pulled me out of a cesspool of negativity.
“Situations can change; don’t let your situation’s change you” Marilyn Stewart
Yes, my situation did change and I walked away a better person I believe.
So why now…..
I know according to Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seem. I believe God knows that I want to continue to live a life of “Purpose” it is evident that there are some things I am “hoping” will come to pass in my life.  Yet, as I age and I begin to see more time behind me; that natural notion that time is slipping away haunts me.
Isn’t it wonderful that God will take time out of his busy schedule to encourage us in our daily walk?
Let me be clear, I didn’t hear I was going to “definitely” be successful in ALL that I do but I did hear that I could be sure- footed about my steps.  The genus of a true Mountain Goat; he stands at high elevation and he is a sure-footed climber often resting on rocky cliffs that predators cannot reach
Steady, Not subject to change or variation, not liable to error in judgment or action, proceeding surely.  I began to break down each word:
·         Maintain – to continue
·          Sure – confident
·         Success – favorable or desired outcome
I’ve learned in times past that it is not what is dropped in my spirit but the journey that I must take in understanding what God is speaking to me.

"It is the glory of GOD to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter"  Proverbs 25:2

After much meditation……..I concluded that…..When a person continues in their walk of faith, they can be confident, sure-footed, that success will follow” Marilyn Stewart

Sunday, August 14, 2011

He Is The Conductor

Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thought, nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD”.

I am in a place in my life where I often find myself asking the Lord the question, WHY or looking at a situation and saying, LORD, I don’t understand. 
The questions on my heart are not just about my life but things that I have observed as I live.
There are times when I believe I see and understand what God is doing and then there are times when I am not sure; a lot of it centered around change.  As various doors open and close, I am inflated and deflated.
Inflated, yes, this is finally coming to past; Deflated, this is not where I thought this door was taking me.
I see the path that I believe I should take BUT……….things or not quite falling into place.
In fact, Life often leaves me with this feeling as if I am in this holding pattern; this time of flux.
Well, this morning I had the privilege of sharing some time with a dear friend.  I call conversations such as this one a divine connection orchestrated by GOD.  It is a reminder to me that GOD is the conductor and I need to follow his leading.
We (my friend and I) walked hand in hand (not literally) as she reminded me how God had worked in her life as well as mine.  I can hear her now; Marilyn, let me tell you how good GOD is.  In our messes, choices, he has given us the VICTORY even when we are reluctant to follow his leading.  We strolled down Employment Lane, Commitment Avenue and Maturity Court. 
She went on to share this story that about a dear friend of hers.  How she moved to Texas to change her life; her husband had passed away.  She found a job within her field and took care of her children and worked on her home.  Unknowingly, the investment bank that held the mortgage to her house was having financial issues and she began to receive foreclosure notices.  Of course, she was assured by the investment company that she was not at risk.  Then she received the notice to vacate the residence.  She began to pray for direction and God spoke to her heart and said, I gave you a home.  This home however was not in Texas it was in Tennessee; the place she had left.  The place she decided was not the place for her.  However, she made the decision to follow God’s leading; selling everything and headed back to Tennessee. Doors began to open; she was hired back at her old job.  My friend began to explain how her friend was a walker; she could walk for miles.  Will by the grace of God you ran into a young man (everyone is a young man to me) who use to see her walking through the neighborhood. I bet you know how this story ended….yes, they are married.  The pieces just fall into place.
I asked the question, “What if she did not follow God’s leading”?  How many times have I been to the altar (there should have been a spot there with my name on it) seeking his guidance but not liking the answer?  I chuckle now at my reluctance.
My reluctance in accepting a job position that later would became my life line to employment.
I was reminded today that the successes I have seen in life were due to God leading me.  When I wanted to go left he was telling me to go right. 
My beautiful daughter….God’s Plan, my home…God’s Plan and the Ministry he has called me to…….God’s Plan.
Leading me into unfamiliar territory……positioning me to experience things I would not choose for myself.
From one day to the next we don’t know if we are living through a recession or depression.   Whether our children will meet the education standards; not to mention our moral values are not what they once were.  
Nonetheless, we can all rest assured, knowing God’s thoughts and ways are nothing like ours.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wisdom Has No Age Limit

Today, I thought it only appropriate to share something that is near and dear to my heart…..a story about my daughter since this is our Mother, Father & Daughter….Table Topic Luncheon.

There are a number of things that stood out in my mind but only one thing that was dropped in my SPIRIT.   Don’t worry she has heard me tell this story a number of times because I wanted her to know that she has been a living example for me; just as much as I’ve been a living example for her.

I am going to take you back about eighteen years. It was late one Saturday evening and I was sitting in my den.  When this little straggle girl turned the corner and asked me this question.  Mom, why don’t you go to church like you use to?  Somewhere along the way between work, family and school I had put on the back burner, what was most important to me; my spiritual life.

Of course, it struck a cord in my heart and I said, Keturah, you want to go to church.  Don’t get me wrong; I don’t believe the church building holds any magical powers; other than, people that love God.  (Attending church does not make us righteous; but, righteous people do not forsake the assembling of themselves together.

I looked into her eyes and told her we will go tomorrow.  I was good to my word and we rose early the next day headed to the Sunday morning service.   

This is where my lesson began.  When I think about that day it is not how everyone welcomed us back, nor the message that was delivered that Sunday morning. 

But the little girl sitting next to me asking me “Mom, can I go up”.  See my Pastor asked did anyone have something to share.  I could sense the urgency in her little voice and I was not one to stop her for sharing what was on her heart.  With her hands by her side and tears steaming down her face she said, My mom hasn’t been to church in a long time.  I just wanted to say I am glad she is back.  I don’t have to tell you I was an emotional mess and so was everyone around me.

From that point forward, I made a commitment to myself never to allow life’s struggles to interfere with my convictions.  At this point, I was going to say I never looked back but that is not true. I often looked back as a reminder.

I encourage you today.  Whatever struggles you are facing; I challenge you to be true to your convictions.  Whether it is your family, your business, or like me your spiritual growth….you chose.

One last comment I want to leave with you….

Mothers, Fathers and Daughters,  we can learn from each other……remember…..wisdom does not have a age limit.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Living a Balance Life by Design

In the article, "Seeking a Balanced Life," by Donald L. Hallstrom in the August 2003 Ensign, he states, "Leading a balanced life can be difficult for any of us. There is not an exact pattern that works for everyone, and even our own blueprint may change during different phases of life

In 1995, I was in a place where I knew I needed to take inventory of where I was headed.

For one,  I saw myself becoming one of those parents whose life was all about their child and I realized if I didn’t do something different not only would my life be off balance but my daughter’s life would be affected too. 

I begin to formulate a plan. A plan that I believed would set me up for success.

By 2000, things were coming together.  I bought a house.  I  had taken a new job in procurement ( with a pay cut – promising by year end my salary would surpasses what I was then making).  My daughter was entering high school.  I thought I would be well prepared when she went off to college.

How many of you know, even the best laid plans often don't turn out the way you expect. 

This is where the story gets interesting……….

Within a year, the bottom had fallen out of the telecommunication industry; layoffs, restructuring and retirement packages; resources were drying up quickly.  It couldn’t have been the worse time.  
By the time, a year had passed I was financially busted.  I had accumulated over $100,000 in credit card debit and this is just an estimate.  I was doing everything to keep my head above water.  But that was only the tip of the iceberg.

Late one night, I get a call, it is my 92 year old grandmother. "I can’t live by myself anymore and I chose you" is what she said.

My life was a mess.  What was I going to do?  I packed up my car drove 300 miles and picked my granny up.

There was times when I didn’t know if I was going or coming. I don't know how many times my electric was disconnected. It became a familiar sight to see foreclosure notices in the mailbox.

It was many times I almost acted on emotion and just walked away from everything.

Yet, my relationship with God …...allowed me to hold on.  

My beliefs and value system helped me to re-align my life and get things back into perspective. 

To truly understand balance, we have to recognize that it is through constant incremental movement; when things and people maintain their balance.
It is like riding bicycle, all things will work together.  You have to take into consideration the weather condition and the bumps in the road.  It is easier to make incremental adjustments and maintain your balance.  

It takes more work after your knocked off your bike to get back up and start again.

Things to take into consideration when faced with challenges:

1. Establish a foundation that will help you stand true to your values and believes
2. Drop unnecessary activities
3. Be accountable for where you are in life
4. Protect your private time
5. Accept help to maintain your perceptive
6. Talk with some who is willing to let you know you are going in the wrong direction
7. Plan fun and relax

Roman 8:28 stated that “all things works together for good to them that love him and are called according to his purpose.
Isaiah 54:17  
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is from me, saith the LORD
Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,  And He shall direct[a] your paths.