Don’t laugh, but early Thursday morning these are the words I heard running through my mind. It wasn’t a dream or a vision; it was a voice. It has been a while since I have received a word of wisdom dropped deep within my spirit.
Yes, I do believe God still speaks today.
Yes, I do believe God still speaks today.
If God can use a donkey to speak to his servant (Number 22:23-30), I believe he can use whatever medium he wants to speak to his children.
Deliberately, I began to repeat what I had heard so I would not forget and be able to record it in my journal.
The last word I recall being dropped in my spirit. I was in a whirlpool of change; surrounded with negativity. Negativity can be like a cancer to your soul. It can suck the very breath out of you. The words I heard pulled me out of a cesspool of negativity.
“Situations can change; don’t let your situation’s change you” Marilyn Stewart
Yes, my situation did change and I walked away a better person I believe.
So why now…..
I know according to Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seem. I believe God knows that I want to continue to live a life of “Purpose” it is evident that there are some things I am “hoping” will come to pass in my life. Yet, as I age and I begin to see more time behind me; that natural notion that time is slipping away haunts me.
Isn’t it wonderful that God will take time out of his busy schedule to encourage us in our daily walk?
Let me be clear, I didn’t hear I was going to “definitely” be successful in ALL that I do but I did hear that I could be sure- footed about my steps. The genus of a true Mountain Goat; he stands at high elevation and he is a sure-footed climber often resting on rocky cliffs that predators cannot reach
Steady, Not subject to change or variation, not liable to error in judgment or action, proceeding surely. I began to break down each word:
· Maintain – to continue
· Sure – confident
· Success – favorable or desired outcome
I’ve learned in times past that it is not what is dropped in my spirit but the journey that I must take in understanding what God is speaking to me.
"It is the glory of GOD to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter" Proverbs 25:2
"It is the glory of GOD to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter" Proverbs 25:2
After much meditation……..I concluded that…..When a person continues in their walk of faith, they can be confident, sure-footed, that success will follow” Marilyn Stewart