People often say, I don't understand how the Israelites could continue to fall away from God's commandments when they witness miracle after miracle. My response is we all have Red Sea Moments in our lives. They are moments where God has intervened and turned our circumstance or situation around.
Yet, just like the Israelites how soon we forget what God has done for us. We go back to grumbling and complaining. Often looking at the glass half-empty instead of looking at it half-full.
What I want people to grab hold of is that people have not changed since the old testament days; people are still people. Thank God, for his grace and mercy, amen! What are some of your Red Sea Moments? It is always good to look back and remember what God has brought you through. Have you ever noticed that God continues to remind the Isrealites that he is the God that delivered them out of the hands of the Eygptians.
If I look back and remind myself of what God has done for me' this is some of things I would see:
He is the God that delivered me out of bad relationships that includes any co-dependent relationship.
He is the God that delivered me out of debt.
He is the God that delivered me from sickness.
He is the God that delivered me from bad choices.
I could go on for hours telling you what type of God I serve. It is now time for you to tell yourself what type of God you serve.
If you have a prayer request, leave it in the comment section. I will be happy to join my faith with yours; may God bless the reader of this blog and continue to order your footsteps.