
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Romans - Becoming New in Christ

Last week, the bible study began a new book "Romans". I will be posting the questions and comments. This blog is a resource to help you mature in your Christian walk. The church has become complacent on teaching Christian they have to live a morally upright life. We are to focused on dipping out of God bags of gifts instead of developing a relationship with a living Savior.

Chapter 1 - Good News from God

  1. Imagine that verses 1 and 5 are the only information you posses about Paul. Describe everything you would know about him
  2. In verses 1-5 Paul gives a summary of the gospel for which he has been set apart. What do we learn about the gospel from these verses:
  3. What do verses 8-13 reveal about Paul's attitude toward the Romans?Why do you think he was so encouraged and motivated/
  4. Because he was an apostel ( one who is sent ), Paul felt obligated to preach the gospel to everyone ( v. 14 ). Whom do you have the greatest opportunity of reaching with the gospel?
  5. What steps can you take to reach them?
  6. Paul says we can be eager to preach the gospel or be ashamed of it (vv. 15-16). What might lead us to adopt one attitude or the other"
  7. In verse 16 Paul describes the gospel as "the power of God" for salvation. How have you seen this power demonstrated in your lfie or the lives of others?
  8. Martin Luther wrote that verse 17 to him " a gateway to heaven" What's so significant about the ideas in this verse?
  9. What do you think it means to "live by faith"? (v 17)
  10. In what areas do you struggle to live by faith?

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