Chapter 1 - Good News from God
- Imagine that verses 1 and 5 are the only information you posses about Paul. Describe everything you would know about him
- In verses 1-5 Paul gives a summary of the gospel for which he has been set apart. What do we learn about the gospel from these verses:
- What do verses 8-13 reveal about Paul's attitude toward the Romans?Why do you think he was so encouraged and motivated/
- Because he was an apostel ( one who is sent ), Paul felt obligated to preach the gospel to everyone ( v. 14 ). Whom do you have the greatest opportunity of reaching with the gospel?
- What steps can you take to reach them?
- Paul says we can be eager to preach the gospel or be ashamed of it (vv. 15-16). What might lead us to adopt one attitude or the other"
- In verse 16 Paul describes the gospel as "the power of God" for salvation. How have you seen this power demonstrated in your lfie or the lives of others?
- Martin Luther wrote that verse 17 to him " a gateway to heaven" What's so significant about the ideas in this verse?
- What do you think it means to "live by faith"? (v 17)
- In what areas do you struggle to live by faith?
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