
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Reminder

Since the Christmas Holiday is right upon us, I thought I would post a reminder regarding overspending.  I surprised you.  I bet you thought I was going to say “the true meaning of Christmas”. 

Just like God wants to give good gifts to his children, I understand being a parent and wanting to give good gifts to our children.

However, overspending to provide those gifts is not wise.  Often it starts a cycle that will take the upcoming New Year for us to recover.  I am speaking from experience. From the perspective of someone who had to fight their way out of debt and it literally was a fight.

I have done it all.  I have transferred balances from one credit card to another.  I have run expenses up with the justification that as soon as I get some extra cash I will pay that bill off.  Before I knew it I was alternating what bills would get paid, and the interest rate was driving up my balances.  You’ve heard the old adages "robbing Peter to pay Paul" not a good feeling.  Remember we have to lives after the Holiday’s end.

I can honestly say there has been some Christmas’s where things looked bleak, yet, God with his unfailing love has provided.  I know we live within a society where bigger is better. But I am going to ask you the question “Who is it better for?”   I know it is better for the economy but is it best for the individual.

As we bring Christmas cheer, let’s be wise about our spending and remember the best Christmases are those where unexpected Christmas miracles happen.

Have a Blessed Holiday

Monday, December 10, 2012

Customer Service "Turned the Table"

I believe an act of kindness is like laughter, it can be contagious. 

Two weeks ago, Saturday, my daugher and I realized we had not visited Starbucks in awhile.  It was time for a coffee date. While we were waiting she told me that she would like to go next door and look at a phone case from one of the major service providers.

I am going to choose to believe that what  happen next was because it was early; after , we entered the store I dropped my coffee.  What immediately caught my attention was when I walked into the store 5 people greeted me. (They wanted my business) Yet, when I dropped that cup of coffee I stepped into the "Twilight Zone" because nobody moved.

I thought to myself and voiced it verberlly to my daughter, "really, and this is my service provider." Then out of nowhere a young man appeared with some paper towels.  I gave some to my daughter and then took the time to clean up what had not soaked into the carpet.  When I was finishing up, this same young man appeared with some toweletts in his hand.  He stated, "I know how it is when you spill coffee it can be sticky" "I am a coffee drinker myself".

I thought to myself, if I buy anything out of this store, it will be from him.  He proceeded to help us look for a phone case, recommeded a screen protector, and while we were talking he was reviewing account.  Now I am back where I was when I entered the store.  I am feeling good.

Then he said, some magic words "save me money".  This was my first experience where the sales assoicate took it upon himself to review my account without me inquiring.  I told him," I tell you what, I have been considering changing service provider's so you tell me what you can do to reduce my bill."  He run the numbers.  Afterwards, he flipped the computer screen around and I said, "really, let's do this".

As we were finishing up the paperwork, he said, "I  want to thank you for placing this order with me;  it started my month out right".

I told him I have walked in this store a number of times.  I started pointing out people who had tried to sale me additional services in the past and I walked out saying, no.  The deciding factor for me was the extra steps he took by bringing me and my daugher those towletts.

His actions compelled me to want to return an act of kindines with kindness. If someone goes the extra mile, we should acknowledge that act so they will know that it was not done in vein.  This will stop people from becoming dishearten.  By demonstrating appreication, I believe kindness can be like laughter and continue to spread; then we all can be winners. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Cloaked in Quietness

 Most of my life people (family/friends/peers) have perceived me as a person that has a quiet nature. In my experience there is a misconception associated with quietness, with being timid, a lack of boldness, and/or strong leadership skills.  As I read through the book the "Artist Way" by Julia Cameron, I have learned that I wear my quietness as a cloak.  The picture that comes to mind is the cloak of invisibility often mentioned in the Harry Potter series that allowed Harry to quietly observe situations so he could effect change. I observe life cloaked under the character trait quietness. It has gifted me with the ability to discern the true character of an individual that has masked their true nature in order to achieve their goals and aspirations.  Unfortunately, it has placed some hurdles in my path that has followed me from my early childhood into my adult life which is detailed below.

 The first experience that I recalled was when I was in elementary school.   I wanted to perform the speaking part of my grade level's Christmas speech. I am not sure if it is important to mention that I was the only one who wanted to perform the speech.  Still, my Teacher had reservations about me being quiet and would I be able to speak with confidence and boldness.  My teacher fail to recognize although I was quiet I was not timid. I recall being asked repeatedly are you sure you want to say this speech. Today, I can see myself standing on the podium and the excitement of my teacher as I walked off the stage.  Was there a paradigm shift; only time would tell?

Later, my choir teacher was holding auditions for an end of the year school play. I missed the original auditions but circumstances allowed for a singing part to open up. The desire to sing was a huge part of who I was when I was growing up.  The audition was held during class.  This was not just any song but a 1st soprano part that required the soloist to hit a very high note (Aquarius by the Fifth Dimension).  With my hand in the air, I watched classmate after classmate walk to the front of the room.  I listen to the laughter and the comments made as each person made the walk of shame back to their seats. I felt as if I was the last players standing after selections were made for a big game.  Finally, my name was called and I could feel everyone eyes upon me as I slowly made my way to the front of the class.  The music began to play and the dreaded note was quickly approaching. I sang with confidence and I heard and exclamation of sheer joy as I hit that note.  Did I receive the part?  Yes, along with the 5 other classmates that auditioned for the part.   Due to my quiet nature, my choir teacher wasn't confident that I would be able perform the song alone. 

This subject has been weighing heavy on my heart.  How did this misconception effect me has a person?  I know from my experiences that who I am is not defined by people’s perception of me but how I see myself.  Yes, I have had to push past others misconceptions by keeping my hand in the air a little longer than others. But the look of surprise on people’s face satisfies any discomfort felt doing the experience. Today, I am speaking for all the quiet nature people.  Being outspoken does not guarantee boldness and a quiet nature is not an indicator of weakness nor having a timid character.

This blog reflect my opinion; may God richly bless you.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Life Is Precious

This past Thanksgiving holiday was like any other. I rose early to prepare my Thanksgiving dinner. I scurried around the kitchen opening cabinets, pulling out pans and searching for ingredients. Yet, something in my heart was a little off. My mind took back to a Thanksgiving Holiday that would forever change my perspective on how precious time is with my family.

I love the times when we traveled as a family to visit my grandparents. Oh, to hear the sound of my Dad’s car tires against the gravel road. My grandmother jumping up and down on the front porch clapping her hands as the car came to a halt.

Those times were special. The smell of fresh baked cakes and pies and chatter in the kitchen filled the house.

Dinner was always served promptly at noon. The family would gather around the round dinner table; with heads bowed, my grandfather would bless our meal and then bowls and plates would be passed around until everyone would settle in to eat a good holiday meal.

The Thanksgiving of 1976 was different. I was 16 and in my own world. I have always been an avid reader and this year was no different. The funny thing is today I can’t even recall the book's name that was so important to complete.. I could hear the 1st call for dinner. I snuggled closer to that wood heater and continue to plow through what I believed was a page turner that I could not put down.

Then I heard heavy footsteps moving my direction. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my grandfather stoking the fire. I heard a voice say you know dinner is ready; come join us at the dinner table. Barely looking up I replied “Daddy, I will eat with you next year”. I really want to finish this book. I am sure by now you have a feeling that next year never came. My grandfather became critical ill the following January and went to be with the Lord that spring.

For years, I pondered why didn't I rise and go share that last holiday meal with Daddy George.  It was the 1st of many whys that I would ask myself later in life. The lesson was painful.  Yet, I learned life is precious, time is fleeting and choices steer our destiny.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Common Thread

This year's bible study committed to reading the bible in its entirety. This past week there has been a common thread as we plow our way through the book of II Chronicles. We have revisited King after King; some has prospered and then there are those who fell. What is the common thread “pride?” Throughout my life I have watched pride slither in like a venomous snake and change the course of a person’s life. The spirit of pride is subtle. It changes how we see ourselves and how we want others to see us. We put ourselves on the throne of our lives.

 II Chronicles 26:3-22 But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride lead to his downfall

Uzziah was sixteen years old when he became king. He did what was right in the sight of the Lord and he sought God, and as long as he sought God he was successful. When he became powerful and his fame spread far and wide people helped him, nevertheless, it ceased when pride slither into his heart. Have you ever been in a situation where your pride did not allow you to step back and change directions? Unfornuately, for Uzziah it lead to the end of his Kingship.

Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:1

The saddest thing about Uzziah fall is that even when he was forewarned he yet fell. As Christian people how do we keep that spirit of pride at bay?

According to Romans 12:2, we must renew our minds. That starts with understanding where pride can lead us. It came topple a business, destroy families, end friendships and most importantly separate us for God. I am not saying we will not moment in our lives to be proud and yes, it is good to celebrate our successes.  But know this; God promotes and he demotes, whereever you are in life you did not get there alone.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Forgiveness of Self

I believe the hardest concept for mankind to get its mind around is forgiveness of self. We all fall short at one point in our lives or another. I know I have. What did Paul say, the things that I don’t want to do I do. Everyone knows the feeling of stepping off a curb and not landing just right. Then we go over in our mind what we should have done differently. Our focus is not that we didn’t fall but how we shouldn’t have twisted our ankle. I can almost guarantee we learned something; to look before we step down. The experience was worth the lesson. We can’t change what happen but we can make better choices in the future based on the experience. There is not a person living or dead that wished at one time or another that they could have done something different. We need to shed the baggage of our past mistakes, forgive ourselves, pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off and press on

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Fill My Heart

Each time I have had the opportunity to stand in front of an audience; all I can do is hope and pray that God will fill my heart with the right words to say that will encourage others to press onward. When we are taking those first steps out into the world we don't recieve a handbook on life. If we can share one experience that prevents someone from stepping into a free fall it is worth the anxiety.
Today, it seems we are not arming our children with the tools needed to be successful because we are so busy living. They seem perplexed and confused regarding where they fit into the circle we call life. Often what I see is us trying to fix instead of rending possible solutions.
It is a hard feat stepping back and taking your hands off people who are struggling that you have grown to love. The pull to help will always be there but I have learned if you step back most of the time they will find a way; in turn, they will mature and grow.Life is about us finding peace and contentment in spite of our choices. That is why I love this story delivered by my Pastor when I needed it most.
There was a young missionary called to go to another country to set-up missions for young children. This would cause him to leave his beautiful fiancée.

He was in his London hotel praying asking God to confirm that it was him asking him to change his course in life. Across the street was another man praying asking God what can I do to serve you. The father told him to go stand on the balcony. The young man called to be a missionary prayed father if this is your will I will see someone on the streets of London. It was the wee hours of the morning and nobody should have been out. Every time the young missionary would step outside he would see the young man standing on the balcony. It was near dawn before the father released the man on the balcony to go bed. The young man went on to become a great missionary. The man on the balcony was killed later that day by a horse and buggy.

The young man went on to establish a number of missionary schools; however, he would not have done it if it was not for the willingness of the man that stood on the balcony.

We all can't touch the million but we can surely reach out and touch that one person that can change someone else life.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Guard That Which is Good

Today, my creativity is like riding on a highway.  A highway that holds a path that could have so many possiblities.  Conversely, I limit my creative possiblities by constantly driving in the fast lane; changing lanes at will and slowing down only enough to jot a thought down, draw a picture or write a muse; often only yielding to pressing ideas, ideas that seem to linger in my heart.  My night vision causes me to be dazed and drift away form the creative to what is acceptable.  Nonetheless, I police myself so my creativity will not be lost on this journey we call life.  I have placed STOP signs on the this highway and REST AREAS.  Places where I am forced to pull into and take a moment to reflect and nuture the true me because I have learned to guard that which is good.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Binding the Strong Man

LUKE 11:21-22

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are safe; 22. but when one stronger than he attacks him and overcomes him, he takes away his armor in which he trusted and divides his spoils.

During my time of prayer this scripture filled my heart, have you bound the strong man.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Gratitude Paved the Way!

My heart aches when I see a person striving for change and change fails to come.  If you are looking for change and  it's not peeking over the horizon, then begin to look inward.  Several years ago, I was seeking a new job position.  I needed this job change because I was a newly divorced mother of one.  I could not see myself surviving due to the lose of half of my house hold income.  I set my plan in motion on how I was going to move forward.  There was two thing standing in my way. A written and practical test.  I had received my technical degree so it should not have been a problem.  Guess again!  I failed the practical twice. Because so much time has passed between the time I passed the written and was up to take the practical again, it disqualified me from the written.  The standards changed. I was heart broken.  All that time in school for what, to only face disappointment.  Success does not come without disappointment.  Today, I can still feel that weight that I bore. I finally had to come to terms with what if I didn't pass.  I began to look back and I realized that I was not only surviving but I was thriving. In spite of my circumstances, God had blessed me to take care of my family.  I stopped right then and thank him and prayed "Father, I know if I don't conqueror this test this time you will continue to take care of me and mine."  I had peace.  I took the written test and passed. No problem! The true test would be the practical test.  They say the 3rd time is a charm.  They must be right!  I went on to pass the practical and become one of the best technicians in my group. Later, lead the team to win several awards.  Sometimes change comes when gratitude paves the way. Find peace where you are and change will peek over the horizon.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Red Sea Moments

People often say, I don't understand how the Israelites could continue to fall away from God's commandments when they witness miracle after miracle.  My response is we all have Red Sea Moments in our lives.  They are moments where God has intervened and turned our circumstance or situation around.

Yet, just like the Israelites how soon we forget what God has done for us.  We go back to grumbling and complaining.  Often looking at the glass half-empty instead of looking at it half-full.

What I want people to grab hold of is that people have not changed since the old testament days; people are still people. Thank God, for his grace and mercy, amen! What are some of your Red Sea Moments?  It is always good to look back and remember what God has brought you through.  Have you ever noticed that God continues to remind the Isrealites that he is the God that delivered them out of the hands of the Eygptians.

If I look back and remind myself of what God has done for me' this is some of things I would see:

He is the God that delivered me out of bad relationships that includes any co-dependent relationship.
He is the God that delivered me out of debt.
He is the God that delivered me from sickness.
He is the God that delivered me from bad choices.

I could go on for hours telling you what type of God I serve.  It is now time for you to tell yourself what type of God you serve.

If you have a prayer request, leave it in the comment section.  I will be happy to join my faith with yours; may God bless the reader of this blog and continue to order your footsteps.