
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Fill My Heart

Each time I have had the opportunity to stand in front of an audience; all I can do is hope and pray that God will fill my heart with the right words to say that will encourage others to press onward. When we are taking those first steps out into the world we don't recieve a handbook on life. If we can share one experience that prevents someone from stepping into a free fall it is worth the anxiety.
Today, it seems we are not arming our children with the tools needed to be successful because we are so busy living. They seem perplexed and confused regarding where they fit into the circle we call life. Often what I see is us trying to fix instead of rending possible solutions.
It is a hard feat stepping back and taking your hands off people who are struggling that you have grown to love. The pull to help will always be there but I have learned if you step back most of the time they will find a way; in turn, they will mature and grow.Life is about us finding peace and contentment in spite of our choices. That is why I love this story delivered by my Pastor when I needed it most.
There was a young missionary called to go to another country to set-up missions for young children. This would cause him to leave his beautiful fiancée.

He was in his London hotel praying asking God to confirm that it was him asking him to change his course in life. Across the street was another man praying asking God what can I do to serve you. The father told him to go stand on the balcony. The young man called to be a missionary prayed father if this is your will I will see someone on the streets of London. It was the wee hours of the morning and nobody should have been out. Every time the young missionary would step outside he would see the young man standing on the balcony. It was near dawn before the father released the man on the balcony to go bed. The young man went on to become a great missionary. The man on the balcony was killed later that day by a horse and buggy.

The young man went on to establish a number of missionary schools; however, he would not have done it if it was not for the willingness of the man that stood on the balcony.

We all can't touch the million but we can surely reach out and touch that one person that can change someone else life.

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